Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Selling Peacocks and Hair Cuts

Today was a busy day, and very very HOT!  This wasn't even one of the hottest days we've had so far, but it seemed so hot, all day long.  I feel like I'm melting.  But, this too shall pass!

Today we sold two baby peacocks.  The lady came from Cullman, an hour away, to pick them up.  We talked for a while, and I may get some guinea babies from her soon.  Our second pea hen lost all her babies.  These were her first ones, and she just didn't watch them and keep up with them. 

Got a call from daughter #3 tonight, and Grandboy cut his own hair.  Oh, dear,  Everyone seemed to be yelling and crying.  I guess we'll see the results tomorrow when I pick him up for church.  At least hair Does grow back! 

Tonight for dinner we had home made and canned spaghetti sauce with noodles, home canned peaches, garlic bread, and iced tea.  Daughter #2 came in from work, and opened a jar of Ragu she had stashed in her room.  She says Ragu is sweeter.  Then she adds more sugar.  She says it is her secret ingredient.  You just can't control these adult kids. 

Grandboy at the rodeo last summer.


  1. Alyssa has cut her hair a couple of times....and you are 100% right it'll grow back. That is hysterical about the Ragu!

  2. I wanted to tell her, "Yes, load up on those chemicals and preservatives!". She really says sugar is her secret ingredient!
